Free-standing induction cookers use the principle of electromagnetic induction. Unlike classic gas cookers, a freestanding induction cooker does not need classical natural gas to work, but is operated by alternating electric energy which is transferred to coils covered with a material (glassceramic), so that the bottom of the pot heats up and not the hob, which stays cold. The electric current that enters the coils creates a magnetic field which in turn creates a parasite which conducts the induced electric current and dissipates as heat.
Energy saving is thus ensured by the fact that the energy is used to generate heat only where it is needed (pot surface), when the pot is removed from the induction cooker, the electromagnetic reaction stops.
Not surprisingly, the real success of these kitchens is due to their high efficiency, as the heat obtained is the same as the classical gas supply, but is obtained with much lower energy consumption and minimal dissipation. For example, compared to a normal gas cooker, with the same energy consumed (2000 W), this makes a freestanding induction cooker 50% cheaper to run.
We can also combine the fact that the cooking time on a freestanding induction cooker is much shorter than that of a traditional gas cooker. A freestanding induction cooker takes 3 minutes to bring 1 liter of water to a boil, a gas cooker - 5 minutes!
Freestanding induction cookers - Advantages and disadvantages?
Freestanding induction cookers ( SEE PRODUCTS ) have their advantages and disadvantages.
The advantages include:
- Modern and simple design
- Virtually no energy is wasted
- The efficiency of the induction cooker is 90%.
- 1 liter of water comes to the boil in just 3 minutes
- Ease of cleaning
- No risk associated with gas leaks
- Cooking areas with automatic pot recognition: they are only activated when a pot is present, thanks to the magnetic cooking zone.
- Timer for automatic ON / OFF setting
- Cooking temperature can be adjusted from 60 ℃ to 240 ℃
The only disadvantages include the high purchase price compared to classic free-standing gas cookers.