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Retro cooker hood - Amazing style for your kitchen

A standard cooker hood or an absorber disturb the aesthetics of your kitchen, pampered down to the smallest details? This is a common problem in the arrangement of this room. A retro kitchen hood does not have to be just an accessory with a purely practical function. The retro-style hoods we propose will become an integral part of a beautiful interior decorated with taste. Check out our products and see what great potential lies in an inconspicuous cooker hood!

Retro cooker hood - household appliances stylish for a unique kitchen

Retro-style kitchen hoods harmoniously match the latest trends in kitchen interiors. Decorative devices will create a harmonious duo with stylized hobs, ovens, coffee machines and kettles. The presented stylish kitchen hoods are available in many variants that differ in size and color. Do you prefer whitewashed pastels in harmony with bright buildings? Or maybe you are interested in strong, saturated colors that will add expressiveness to the composition? We have no doubt that among the various versions you will find an option tailored to your expectations. The effectiveness of the equipment is additionally influenced by discreetly mounted halogen lighting illuminating the space directly above the heating plate.

Standard Lofra - Household Cooker Hood - Retro Kitchen Hoods

Cooker Hood - We know very well that the quality of the equipment is a priority in the kitchen. Stylish kitchen hoods presented in our catalog are distinguished by their excellent efficiency class (A). High-quality materials, mainly brushed steel, are resistant to external factors and scratches. Household retro-style hoods are equipped with carbon filters and steel filters that can be washed in the dishwasher without fear. The devices can work in several modes, which allows you to adjust the fan speed to the chef's temporary needs. The convenient control of the hood from anywhere in the kitchen or dining room is possible thanks to an easy-to-use remote control.


Cooker hoods - Discover the aspirational hoods of LOFRA Italy


The cooker hood is one of the most important elements in the kitchen, both in terms of functionality and design. Regardless of whether it is an island or a kitchenette connected to the living room. The cooker hood is the base for maximum comfort while cooking.

Cooker hoods are essential to make your kitchen smell comfortable. Eliminating all the fumes from your kitchen generated when you cook on the gas cooker.

On our official website lofra.pl you can find cooker hoods of various models. Designed to combine functionality and design at the highest level. Regardless of whether you are looking for a 90 cm kitchen hood or a more compact 60 cm hood.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the offer for cooker hoods and find the best solution for your amazing kitchen.


Cooker hood - what filters do we use?


So that you can catch all the fumes of a working gas or induction cooker. All our cooker hoods are equipped with one or more internal filtering systems.

  • Carbon filters - the basic solution in kitchen hoods.
  • Honeycomb filters - are much more effective than carbon filters. Cleaning these types of filters in cooker hoods is much easier and can be washed under running water.


Cooker hood - very important in any retro kitchen

Fully equipped kitchen costs about PLN 10,000. The basic equipment includes a refrigerator, stove, gas hob, induction hob, microwave oven, dishwasher, and sometimes a coffee machine. However, we often forget about the product, which is very important for the kitchen to be functional, friendly and safe . We are talking about a kitchen hood that acts as a filter, fan and air cleaner in one, which is an extremely important function.


Cooker hood - why is it so important

Cooker hoods in domestic kitchens are practically standard. In the home kitchen, however, it is not a device without which we could not do. Meanwhile, in professional, large kitchens, proper ventilation and proper removal of exhaust fumes, odors, water vapor or other substances from the air is crucial. It is crucial both for the taste and smell of dishes, as well as for the safety itself, because in large kitchens in restaurants, even several dozen burners can operate simultaneously.

In a home kitchen, the hood is important, it keeps the kitchen fresh and clean, protects the walls from harmful substances and grease depositing on them, makes the kitchen better ventilated and makes it possible to sit in it for a long time.


Vintage cooker hood - Hood for classic and modern kitchens

A cooker hood is a device that, unless it is hidden in a cupboard or built-in, is a very visible device. This means that it must be properly composed in the kitchen. In the case of modern kitchens, we have hundreds of solutions at our disposal, the same is the case with professional gastronomic hoods. The problem starts when we want to equip a retro kitchen with a cooker hood. It will not be easy, because few companies offer good quality kitchen hoods in a retro or vintage style.

The exception is Lofra , probably the most experienced manufacturer of household appliances for vintage and retro kitchens. The retro hood by Lofra is primarily a combination of a very classic casing in a classic style or similar to the classic - retro style. However, the housing is not everything, because under it there is a very modern vintage hood . A hood that is equipped with modern solutions, including an air filter, as well as a modern and very powerful, yet quiet fan. This solution ensures that the retro cooker hood looks like a classic, but works as a very modern and functional device.

Finally, the perfect solution has been found for owners of classic or vintage kitchens. Classic design combined with a modern, beautiful interior, full of electronics, these are Lofra hoods for retro and vintage kitchens.


Vintage hood - built-in or not

Kitchen hoods in vintage kitchens or classic retro kitchens often appear in the form of encapsulated hoods, i.e. fitted into a hanging cabinet or enclosed in wood. Meanwhile, Lofra produces retro hoods that have a classic exterior design, but inside they are modern, very functional devices. When buying a Lofra hood, you can opt out of building it, even if you have a kitchen arranged in a classic style or a related vintage style.

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