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Retro style ice cube fridge

Ice Maker Fridge - Without a sturdy fridge, a kitchen is practically impossible to exist. Until recently, most interiors had simple, white devices, blended in with the interior. Today, standard cooling equipment has a worthy successor - retro ice maker refrigerators . Check out our offer of DOLCEVITA refrigerators and see for yourself why it is worth departing from boring, outdated forms and enjoying the "sweet life" in an elegant kitchen.

Fridge with ice cube maker - stylish solutions for the kitchen

Fridge with ice cube maker - Our stylish refrigerators are dedicated to the most demanding customers looking for high-class refrigerators with excellent parameters and effective design. The two-door casing, inspired by the retro style beloved by interior architects, hides a multitude of advanced features that make everyday life easier. High-capacity appliances have a built-in ice cube maker as well as a water and ice dispenser. The interior of the refrigerator is organized in such a way as to facilitate the maintenance of order among food products. Special containers with a fan allow you to keep meat, fish, fruit and vegetables fresh for longer, and the built-in shelves for drinks prevent the spilling of juice or water. Retro-style refrigerators are available in four color variants (black, burgundy, silver and ivory), which allows you to match the equipment to the kitchen arrangement.

Black refrigerator | Lofra ice cube fridges - the highest quality for connoisseurs

Black refrigerator - The stylish refrigerators offered by Lofra.pl have the best efficiency class (A). Controlling devices and checking their status is facilitated by electronic displays. An automatic mechanism controls the temperature inside the refrigerator. The installed lighting does not emit heat, and the No Frost Premium system reduces the humidity in the freezer, thus preventing the accumulation of ice. Importantly, the refrigerator is distinguished by extremely quiet operation, thanks to which it will be noticeable only to the sense of design, and not also to hearing.


The black refrigerator with the LOFRA ice cube maker is a complete product that can guarantee several functions and make the use of this device even more satisfying. If you're looking for an ice cube fridge that can deliver fresh ice as well as store your food safely and efficiently, you've come to the right place.

A black refrigerator with an ice cube maker is a large device. It consists of two doors that work: it opens by pulling it to opposite sides. The door thus takes up less space, since its opening radius is smaller and therefore much less burdensome than single-door.

A black refrigerator with an ice cube maker is therefore a real step forward. To have fresh ice, just press the button and place the glass. Moreover, it is also an environmental benefit considering the resulting energy savings.


Refrigerator - the most important device in any kitchen

A refrigerator is undoubtedly the most important piece of equipment in every kitchen. This is where all fresh food is stored and kept. The refrigerator is also an element of equipment that is quite noticeable, so in addition to functionality, it must look great. What to consider when choosing a refrigerator? How to skillfully arrange it inside a classic or modern kitchen? We will try to find answers to these questions.


Refrigerator in the kitchen - roomy and functional

Each kitchen requires an individual arrangement, therefore each kitchen requires an individual selection of a refrigerator. When choosing the right refrigerator, consider:

  • functionality, i.e. the possibilities offered by this household appliance, the method of cooling, elements of internal equipment. All these features should be considered in terms of individual needs;
  • capacity, the larger the household, the larger the device will be necessary. A refrigerator that is well-suited to the needs of the family means that this equipment is not overloaded, and hence no breakdowns;
  • distribution of cooling places, it is extremely important, some need more space for freezing, others for cooling,
  • aesthetics, appearance and adaptation to the entire kitchen,
  • the loudness of work, unfortunately, but noisy refrigerators can be really bothersome for the household members.

A capacious and functional color refrigerator can be used for many years. It allows not only convenient use of it, but also safe, long-term storage of food, so that food is simply not wasted.


Refrigerator in the kitchen - matching the arrangement

Now that we've covered that refrigerators should be functional and roomy, it's worth your while to discuss their aesthetic value. There are several hundred thousand types and types of refrigerators on the market. From classic white to colorful refrigerators. Let's follow the rule that the refrigerator must match the kitchen arrangement.

In modern kitchens, gray and silver will dominate as the dominant color of the refrigerator, although black refrigerators are equally popular. When it comes to classic, retro or industrial style kitchens, colorful refrigerators are very popular here. Almost every manufacturer of household appliances has its series of color refrigerators , which are mainly adapted to retro, classic and vintage kitchens. These types of color refrigerators have exactly the same functionality as classic refrigerators or those intended for a modern kitchen arrangement. Only their color scheme changes. Thus, they can be adapted to classic, retro or industrial kitchen arrangements.


Refrigerator in the kitchen - what to look for

When buying a refrigerator, we should pay attention to a number of factors if we want it to serve us effectively, long and comfortably. First of all, the guarantee is important. This is a factor that we should pay attention to, whether it is classic, colorful refrigerators or those stylized for modern, minimalist interiors. When it comes to the warranty, what counts is the warranty time and the warranty period of the individual components. From the remaining technical aspects, it is worth paying attention to the temperature range of the refrigerator operation. The larger the range, the better and easier to adjust it to your needs. When it comes to technical parameters, color refrigerators usually do not differ from their counterparts. The only difference is the exterior styling.

Two-door refrigerators are becoming more and more popular. And rightly so. They are more comfortable and more spacious. The only downside is the amount of space they take up as they are even twice as wide as traditional single-door refrigerators. The obvious and in fact universal advice is not to save money on the refrigerator. Buying a very cheap, poor-quality refrigerator will end up requiring its replacement in a moment, so it is worth considering the purchase carefully.

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