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Retro style microwave ovens LOFRA

The microwave oven makes the daily preparation of meals much easier. When we want to lightly heat a dinner or ingredients for making a cake loved by the household, defrost meat or lightly grill a sandwich, it is she who comes to our aid. Retro-style microwave ovens are dedicated to people looking for high-class equipment for their kitchen that will harmoniously fit into a tastefully decorated interior inspired by the past years.

Modern built-in retro microwaves

We offer high-class built-in microwave ovens to all demanding customers. Devices with a capacity of up to 38 liters allow convenient processing of dishes of even large sizes. Retro-style microwave ovens are equipped with retractable telescopic guides, ensuring the weight of trays and grilles up to 15 kg and perfect mobility inside the oven, without the risk of tipping it over. Decorated with an effective, longitudinal handle, the door is made of three-layered glass to prevent heat loss. The clear touch display enables intuitive control of the device. Microwaves are equipped with a turntable, a steel grate and a glass tray. When equipping your kitchen with premium class appliances, it is worth ensuring consistency. Retro-style microwave ovens , just like refrigerators or dishwashers from the same series, are available in four color variants, which allows you to create a consistent and visually attractive arrangement.

Lofra equipment - enjoy cooking!

The functions of retro-style microwave ovens are not limited to heating meals quickly. Each model from our collection has as many as 6 operating modes (baking, microwave, baking in advance, microwave + baking, hot air, microwave + hot air, baking + hot air). Extensive functions increase the field for culinary delights and make preparing meals simple and pleasant.


Vintage microwave - Modern Lofra built-in microwaves - enclosed with Retro classic

Equipping a classic kitchen or a vintage kitchen, combining classic style with modern technology, requires a lot of effort. Most home appliances manufacturers have taken a seemingly obvious direction - modern appliances, encased in a modern design, where stainless steel blends together with smooth materials. Vintage kitchen owners have a problem. Are you sure? Well, no, our offer includes a wide range of household appliances from the Italian manufacturer - the Lofra company. These are household appliances and small household appliances, intended for vintage kitchens. This offer includes modern vintage microwave ovens and many other helpful kitchen appliances.


What is LOFRA vintage microwave

Vintage kitchen is a kitchen made in a classic style, similar to the kitchen, which has been popular since the early 70's in the United States. It is a similar style to the classic, dominated by wood, shaping and differentiation. In modern kitchens, simplicity is emphasized, made of "clean" materials such as steel or plastic.

The vintage built- in microwave oven by Lofra is nothing more than a professional kitchen appliance that has been enclosed with wonderful wooden elements. Thus, the Lofra provides a functional and technologically advanced interior, combined with a very tasteful but classic exterior design.

The vintage microwave oven is a retro built-in microwave oven, perfectly suited to a classic kitchen and a typical vintage kitchen, i.e. extraordinary, made with panache and an unusual style.


Built-in vintage microwave - Lofra and its retro household appliances

The Lofra brand is a brand that has been operating on the market for years and is famous for the production of the highest quality household appliances and small household appliances intended for classic and vintage kitchens. Lofra built-in microwave ovens combine style and elegance, as well as high functionality. Don't let their classic design fool you. These cookers are equipped with the latest good techniques and have the most functional electronic equipment.

The Lofra built-in vintage microwave is the best choice for people looking for modern household appliances that perfectly match a classic kitchen or a vintage kitchen.

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