Coffee machines
Retro style coffee machines
Can you imagine a better way to start your day than while alone with a cup of aromatic, uplifting coffee? It's high time to give up half-measures - our retro espresso machines will reveal to you a previously unknown dimension of pleasure. Check out our offer and see for yourself how fascinating coffee drinking can become.
High-class retro espresso machines - your Italian la dolce vita
With the launch of the retro-style coffee machine, you will move your thoughts to a charming cafe located in the corners of narrow streets in an Italian town. One press of a button is all it takes to fill a cup with a strong espresso, cappuccino, latte macchiato, cafe latte or warm water. Thanks to the advanced functions, you can set the brewing and pre-brewing temperature, the amount of ground coffee and the hardness of the water yourself. You do not have to worry about cleaning all elements of the device - the appropriate program will take care of it for you. Retro coffee machines are equipped with an illuminated cup stand. Importantly, the coffee machines, like other devices bearing the Lofra brand logo, boast a high efficiency class A.
Built-in coffee machines are available in three color versions (black, silver and ivory). When integrated into the furniture, they will become not only a source of aromatic coffee, but also a stylish decoration of a kitchen arrangement.
Built-in Lofra coffee machines - the essence of pleasure
We have no doubts that the retro-style coffee machines offered by the Lofra brand will meet the expectations of the most demanding gourmets who appreciate the stimulating, deep taste of fresh coffee. All built-in coffee machines presented on the website successfully combine the absolute standard, impressive design and functionality that can boast of household appliances constructed using the latest technologies.
See our inspirations

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