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Freestanding induction cooker - Retro kitchen

Freestanding induction cooker - many people choose to furnish their kitchen in a retro style. In our store Lofra.pl, there are many devices stylized for the 60s, 70s or 80s of the 20th century. It can be a dishwasher, refrigerator or a free-standing induction cooker . It is worth remembering that despite its appearance , the retro induction cooker has all modern technologies that meet customer expectations. When it comes to appearance , the retro induction cooker is available in many colors.

Freestanding induction cookers - Italian kitchens

Freestanding induction cookers are the most modern and energy-efficient cooking devices available on the market. The important thing is that there is no possibility of getting burned. This is particularly important information for customers who have small children. A very important advantage is the high energy efficiency of this device. Why? Because the power supply is cut off when the pot or pan is removed from the hob. It is worth adding that electric cookers are much easier to keep clean than gas or ceramic cookers


Freestanding induction cookers - Retro Cooker

Freestanding induction cookers - a device from the very beginning of a tasteful kitchen is a real challenge, even for a seasoned architect. In order for the interior to become not only a space where we prepare meals, but also a vibrant heart of the house, a place to relax and rest with a cup of your favorite coffee and a chat zone with loved ones, it should be tastefully furnished. When looking for inspiration to create a kitchen straight from the catalog cover, it is worth going beyond cool minimalism and focusing your attention on timeless canons that do not lose their importance despite the passage of time. Our free-standing induction cookers are among the absolute classics that will bring a touch of luxury and avant-garde to the kitchen arrangement - original, tasteful equipment that will become an expressive decoration of any kitchen.


Free-standing induction cookers - classic meets modern

The free-standing induction cookers designed by our designers are available in many variants that differ in width, number of cooking zones, functions and colors. Each of the models has a modern, safe and efficient mechanism under the decorative casing, which allows for efficient and even processing of the food. The great advantage of induction hobs is that they are easy to keep spotlessly clean and are energy-efficient. Each of the available models has the A performance class and is equipped with protection against the aspirations of small chefs.


Free-standing induction cooker - the essence of good taste

Free-standing induction cooker - we have no doubts that the free-standing induction cookers presented on our website will delight every connoisseur who appreciates luxurious, refined equipment. Freestanding induction cookers set between cabinets will create a harmonious duet with other products modeled on the equipment used in kitchens in the previous century - dishwashers, microwaves, refrigerators and ovens.


Freestanding induction cookers - the innovation of your retro kitchen!

Still not widespread in Poland, free-standing induction cookers have interesting features and offer several advantages, not only that they are energy-efficient. Unfortunately, freestanding induction cookers are still a novelty in our country. They are still little known and often viewed with suspicion due to their high price.

Free-standing induction cookers operate by using the principles of electromagnetic induction. The current is transformed into coils, which are covered with fiberglass, therefore they allow the pot to be heated directly by the magnetism exerted on its surface. In this way, heat is generated only where the pot is located on the plate. The generated electromagnetic field generates an electric power that is distributed to the bottom of the pot. By heating only the pot. The rest of the hob remains cold.

The cooking mode on a free-standing induction cooker concentrates the heat only on the pan or pot and thus ensures that all heat generated on a free-standing induction cooker is concentrated only on the cookware, which means also efficiency and economy of cooking. This means that the maximum efficiency of a freestanding induction cooker is 90% compared to a maximum of 55% for a gas cooker.

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